Who's that minx?

I hope you’re enjoying looking through my blog. If you’re wondering about me, read on. If you’re not wondering about me, probably don’t bother reading past here.
I’m pretty new to blogging, but I’ve loved baking since I was very small.
I subscribed to my first food mag with my birthday money when I was about 12 years old, and I still read every cookbook I can get my hands on. I am one of those freaks who photograph their food – even at ‘fancy’ restaurants, much to the embarrassment of my poor husband. I have absolutely zero formal training in cooking (or photography, as you can probably tell).
I’ve been able to indulge more in cookery lately because I’ve moved into a house with more kitchen storage (bliss!) for new appliances and baking accessories, and more bench space on which to make a delightful mess. I have a temperamental oven and no dishwasher, but I’m making things work somehow.
I love the tingle of anticipation when I’m tying on my apron and all the ingredients are sitting ready on my kitchen bench, the excitement of making something for the first time, and that burst of pride when someone tells me they love my food.
My husband, Nick, is one of my most important ingredients: he’s the one who changes out of his pyjamas to dash up to Coles for me when I run out of caster sugar at 11 p.m., he’s my kind but honest critic, my muscly bottle-opener, my 6’1’’ step-ladder, and he never complains when our kitchen looks like a disaster zone (which is most of the time).
Besides food-related pursuits, I also enjoy paper crafting, shopping, reading novels and magazines, watching movies, and travelling.

If you have any suggestions, you can email me at kitchenminx@hotmail.com.